The Base of Claim Right for the Compensation of Spiritual Damage in Case of Spouse Right Tort 侵犯配偶权案件中精神损害赔偿的请求权基础
When property rights are deprived, disturbed or feared to be disturbed, the claim rights of property rights should be applied in preference to the liability of tort considering the relationship of property law and tort law. 在物权遭受侵害或妨害以及存在着妨害之虞的领域内,或者说在物权法和侵权行为法之间的关系上,物权请求权模式应优于侵权责任模式。
Because virtual property right is real right, we should comply with regulations respecting the protection of property rights in Real Right Law, and establish the protected mode by the claim of right in rem and the claim of right in tort. 虚拟财产权属于物权,应当依据《物权法》中物权的保护规定,构建物权请求权与侵权责任请求权并立的虚拟财产权保护模式。
In the end, combined with the dualistic structure of claim, the text suggests the qualitative issues related to tort liability in the future Civil Code. The paper believes that tort liability for the qualitative pattern should return to the German law. 最后,结合请求权二元体系,该文认为,对于侵权责任的定性应回归到德国法模式。